Wednesday, December 3, 2008

silk barcodes

This is what I've been working on today.
I hate that it took until today to to it, due to computer problems, not interfacing with the printer (fixed by my own personal tech guy ), the memory not being large enought to print, and for the love of mike, the scratch disk was full--what's a scratch disk? I didn't even know that my computer could itch.... The problem I ran into was the width of the fabric. I had to use freezer paper which only come in 18 inch wide sheets. I could have used the 36" pattern paper I have here in the shop, with some basting spray, but I find with silk, it is too lightweight to get it to stick in any sort of smooth and straight way. Muslin is easier for that task. I put some more images onto some dark T-shirt transfers to do the bar codes.

I have then put together some very un-bodily shaped garments, using the simple shapes and sizes of the fabric I printed.
Overall, I wish that I had had more time. But, they look great under the lights: the choreographer's vision is coming out. They will get distressed more tomorrow, but, for right now, they are finished.

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