Monday, October 27, 2008

I feel better now...

My Office So, my office has been looking like a few tasmanian devils went through it. I have a leak in the ceiling, and that part of the ceiling is right over the bookshelf, where all MY books are. So, all my books are off the shelves, until SJRCC fixes the leak, and thus, my office tends to be a mess, there's no order to where things can go and be safe from the water, so it tends to collect in piles by my monitor and printer.
BUT, I found this picture of Kay's "office"? from Mason Dixon Knitting, and now I feel better. I think it is just because we're artists, and artists thrive in chaos. Ha!

Anyway, I hope that someone fixes my leak, it's been there for over 5 months now. I'd really like to put my books away....hmmmm.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a mess! :)

Quote of the Day