Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cot'n Corn sock #1/Flow Motion Sock

Well, here's the finished sock.
It is a beautiful sock, and the fibre feels very good knit up like this.
However, it is too big in the foot area. There are too many stitches across the ball of my foot and down where the arch is. I suppose that it is because I used the wrong weight yarn for this pattern, but, the ankle and calf part fit just fine. I love the part where the leg and the foot come together over the instep. That point is very pretty and interesting how the foot part looks a bit like a "shoe" and the lacy part is coming out of it.

Aside from it being too big, I don't care for the finishing at the top. It's a seed stitch picot edge, and I think that it's just a rather bulky and awkward finish for such a pretty lace pattern. The bulk that results when you turn down the top edge seems to ruin the whole line of the lacy leg.

AND, since I completely HATE the toe, and how square it is, (it was that invisible figure-8 cast-on-which, to me, just isn't right), I will not feel bad ripping out the toe, and shortening it from there. So, here I go unraveling out the toe, and taking it out so that I can fit and refinish it a full 1.25" shorter. Since the lace is so pretty, and I like the top so much, I'm willing to do this, otherwise it may end up being a christmas stocking. I do believe that I'll take out the top and make it just a short 1x1 rib, something plain, so that it looks better, and is not so bulky.
But, maybe not today.

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