Saturday, October 11, 2008


So, this is my one hundredth post. Who woulda thunk it? When did that happen?
Anyway, here's a fresh picture of my helper (must. eat. yarn.) working on keeping my green yarn from me, digging it out of the knitting bag. I decided to do something different this morning and crochet a little something. I picked a pattern that was very small, requiring 10g of green and 5g of white worsted yarn. I don't however have the notions to finish it, so you will not see the finished item here, only the start of one piece of it (seen below).
I haven't crocheted that much, and I'm surprised how well this is turning out. We'll see.
And, another gratuitous kitten shot--I yelled at her for chewing the yarn, so she's moved on to finished items:
One Hundred things I'm thankful for this morning:
1. Mom 2. Reno 3. Craiger 4. Cyndi 5. Harlee 6. sleeping kittens 7. apples 8. theatre 9. yarn 10. Taco Bell 11. elastic 12. Traci 13. baseball 14. local quilting shops 15. pie 16. grass 17. mail 18. fences 19. no fences 20. coffee 21. creamer 23. Ed 24. sitting by the fire 26. gasoline 27. Kerry 28. rubber duckies 29. hot tubs 30. fall 31. books 32. internet 34. pop 35. RobO 36. knitting needles 37. chemotherapy 38. staplers 39. photographs 40. airplanes 41. pampered chef 42. oranges 43. Pamela 44. SSA 45. rubbermaid containers 46. indoor plumbing 47. toilet paper 48. fresh air 49. watercolour paint 50. toe rings 51. my little sister 52. sunburns 53. digital cameras 54. pianos 55. people who can play the piano 56. football 57. McDonalds 58. homemade cinnamon rolls 59. oversized recliners 60. gardens 61. horses 62. my colleagues 63. wireless data connect 64. flip flops 65. earrings 66. John Deere 67. mountains (big ones) 68. ipods 69. my hair 70. sunshine 71. trees 72. high school home ec programs 73. jersey sheets 74. Patron 75. Chevrolet 76. deep sea fishes 77. train tracks 78. Christmas decorations 79. ginkgo trees 80. socks 81. hedgehogs 82. faith 83. butterflies 84. equisetum 85. cowboys and indians 86. homogenizing 87. glue 88. dirt 89. french fries 90. my truck 91. tents 92. fly line 93. guitar strings 94. ellis island 95. cork 96. AM radio 97. kitty litter 98. aspirin 99. fossil fuels 100. the second amendment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just brightened my day!

Quote of the Day