Sunday, October 5, 2008's a secret

So, I feel as if I am secretly knitting.

That's got to be bad.

I know that all my lists are done.

I know that all the things that need to be done, will be done tomorrow, via delegation.

I know that I don't need to be at the theatre tonight.

I know that others are there, and are probably going to hold it over my head that I am not there.

I know that I don't have to be there.

I know that.

I still feel as though this has been a secret knitting project. It started out to be a mindless project which would be worked on during tech rehearsals, and don't get me wrong, it still will be, however I have found more time on my hands at home where I don't have anything else to do. I have cleaned, and rearranged, and cleaned again, looked for more important projects, cleaned up after the "searching tyrade", and even made bread.
But, here's this project; one side almost completed.

Maybe it's because I have knit over half of it sitting by a fire. And maybe I feel a little guilty because my colleagues are sitting in a theatre, programming lights, while my costumes are sitting all ready on a rack.

Well, almost ready. There's still a few things that need to be bought. But that can happen tomorrow, also known as a day of the work week. Enpointofacto, those things are: 2 pairs of black pants, 4 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of slippers, 6 chef hats, 1 visor, 1 pocket protector, 1 twinset, driving gloves, and an old lady (not the lady, just her clothes).

Still, I feel like I'm forgetting something. If you know what it is, let me know. There's probably a whole scene that I've never seen (hahah that rhymes) that has a 1000 costumes in it--that's it.

Anyway, here's the second version of the on pointe handbag, being knit by the fire. It's knit out of the left over boku yarn from the last basketweave handbag. I don't know if I'll have enough. I guess it won't kill me to make another order from Patternworks. Oh darn.

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