Wednesday, September 3, 2008

look what's happening in my garden!

Basil! I planted it in May, from seeds, and left it all alone while I was gone to MT over the summer, and look at it now! Amazing what will happen while you're gone.
The bright green is plain, and the purple-ish one is cinnamon basil--they smell sooo good.
So, I was wondering what to do with them: I couldn't possibly eat all that basil right now...
I pureed them individually with a bit of evoo and then froze them in to little cubes. That way I can pull them out when I want, and use as much as I want--or just pull them out and smell them. And, here is a little jiffy peat pot greenhouse that I started a day ago! I planted bibb lettuce seeds in there, and when I looked this morning, there they were!
The seed packet said that it would take 5-7 days to germinate--I really hope that these are lettuce seeds, not some Little Shop of Horrors...

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