Friday, August 15, 2008

places I've been recently

To the wilderness: This first picture is of Cloud Peak in Wyoming, in the Bighorn Mountain Range. Somewhere in those crevices, there's a glacier. I wasn't planning on getting any closer.

I think that while we were camping the coldest night was about 47 degrees. That's a bit cold in a tent, but nothing a 20 degree sleeping bag couldn't handle. We were at about 8,000 ft. above sea level--pretty thin air, considering Florida has a whole lot of air at sea level.

Anyway, to get to where this picture is, we drove 13 miles up the mountain, to within about 1 mile of wilderness. It took us about 2 hours to drive that. Though, I do believe it was worth it.

The second, is Meadowlark Lake on the road between Buffalo and Tensleep, WY. I could live there forever.
And this one, a recent burn on the high plains above Hyattville, WY. I think it's a little Dali-esque with all the contrasts.

Anyway, it's 54 degrees now, at Pompeys Pillar, the newly poured concrete is warm, and Harlee is keeping my bed warm, under a wool filled quilt. The morning awaits with donuts.

Only 3 more in this paradise.

Some people say Florida is paradise. Ha. Can't wait to leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are amazing! I totally understand why you don't want to come back. :(

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