Thursday, July 24, 2008

A week in the life at Broken Wing

So, here is a post to update you people about the happenings at the farm. And now that I've labeled it to be a week, that seems a little daunting. So I'll just. Do the last 24 hours or so. Yesterday at 1030 my cousin came with his tractor to level the ground in front of the house for a concrete pad. He brougt his new girlfriend and her 3 year old. Patty and Kitty and my mom and I were already here. He started digging and Patty and Kitty started cooking lunch and babysitting the girlfriend and the dogs (which are now numbering 8 in the house). Mom is being the foreman on the digging. Things are going well. At about 1130 our friends from Wyoming show up-two adults and one 2 year old who starts playing in the pool. At this time we figure that to dig the whole pad, we have to move the piano that someone dropped off in our yard. So the neighbor comes with his tractor and ties it on the bucket with baleing twine and then drives it the 1/2 mile home to his house. One more person shows up with a boat to see if my cousin has his fishing license. Lunch is about done at 1300 and two more people show up to look at goats. However we're eating lunch and still digging. Continue digging for 3 more hours and then take showers to get to an auction by 1700. Auction and lots of money being spent until 2200. Load up treasures and then drive 45 minutes home to eat, sleep, and beer (not in that order). Awake to dad calling to see how it went yesterday and lemon blueberry muffins. Cousin arrives 0700 and begins to dig. I am online paying my bills and cursing dial-up. Lights flicker and then huge sound of the whole house powering down. I go look outside just in time to see my cousin step out of his tractor and yell "%@&$"!!! He severed the main power line going into the house. Yes, what a way to start the day.

Now tell me why I have no time? And why I can't respond to people on the internet? Or even get on the internet for that matter? Half the time my phone doesn't even work and at that this message won't even get posted til the next time I go into town.
I'm sorry I'm busy.
Okay not so much. I do actually quite enjoy this and I wish that other people understood.

Love you all! :)

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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