Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trying to knit and get this monster off my needles

My cat, watching TV. It doesn't even matter what's on, she'll watch it. And sometimes she needs to sit with me to watch it. Too bad that when I watch TV I want to knit. And this project has become so large that it takes my whole lap-no room for kittens, unless they take over the project.
Which is a little ironic because I really want to get this thing off my needles. It is so big. Actually I don't know how big it really is. I guess that I'm just going to knit until there's no more room on the needles. Still more room; but no ability to turn with kitten on it. So I'm texting this message to my Blog, because I can still text and I could reach my phone with the texting and camera abilities. So. Will the kitten get bored of "Everybody Loves Raymond" or will I kick her off.
Anyway, this project will be done soon and properly pictured.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!

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