Thursday, October 16, 2008

leaf bugs?

So, even after living in Florida for 5 (almost 6) years, large bugs still astound me.

Here is a couple of bugs that look like leaves? What are these? There's a HUGE one that's been hanging around the costume shop on the brick wall way up by the soffits. He has never come down far enough to be photographed. But, these two, they stood still while I went in and got my camera, only to realise that the camera was in the car, so I clicked the beeper, and they stayed there, long enough for me to take these pictures. They're in the Asian Plum tree outside my back porch. Anybody know what they are actually called?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember learning about these when I was really little when we learned about animals that desguised themselves with their surroundings! I don't know what they were called though... I probably just called them leaf-looking-bugs! They kind of creep me out a bit... it's like they can just pop up out of nowhere!!!

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